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it don\'t mean a thing (if it ain\'t got that swing)
it don't mean a thing (if it ain't got that swing)  detail>>
ain\'t got no, i got life
ain't got no, i got life  detail>>
there ain\'t no such thing as a free lunch
gratuité (économie)#tanstaafl  detail>>
ain\'t we got fun
ain't we got fun?  detail>>
if i ain\'t got you
if i ain't got you  detail>>
i ain\'t got nothin\' but the blues
i ain't got nothin' but the blues  detail>>
i don\'t want to miss a thing
i don't want to miss a thing  detail>>
love don\'t cost a thing (film)
l'amour n'a pas de prix (film, 2003)  detail>>
love don\'t cost a thing (song)
love don't cost a thing (chanson)  detail>>
don\'t know what you got (till it\'s gone)
don't know what you got (till it's gone)  detail>>
 n.  balancement; oscillation; va-et-vient; balançoire; élan, amplitude; tournant, virage,...  detail>>
 n.  milieu, centre; moyen  v.  signifier, vouloir dire, indiquer,avoir l'i...  detail>>
mean to
avoir l'intention de, compter faire  detail>>
don\'t take it personally, babe, it just ain\'t your story
don't take it personally, babe, it just ain't your story  detail>>
to swing or not to swing
to swing or not to swing  detail>>
the thing
la dernière mode; la chose connue  detail>>
there's no such thing
une chose pareille n'existe pas=  detail>>